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I don't really know what to do. I feel... Unhappy. Stressed. Stuck. I despise feeling stuck. I keep thinking we've finally dug ourselves out of the financial hole and we end up right back in it. I can't lend him anymore money. I'm broke. He owes me almost 2000 including February rent. My cards are maxed out, almost all of them now. He owes other people as well. Thankfully my food will be semi cheap if I keep eating whole foods and bring my lunch. Need to start making my own damn coffee again. Start really cooking.

Yet we have plans for Legos and other pointless expenses. I want my fucking debt down. I might need to just work OT until I burn out. I would find a second job if it weren't for him. Turk more.

I'm just exhausted. Stuck.

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2016-01-11 @ 2:24 p.m.