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I'm not sure if last night I had a fever or a series of panic attacks. Both seem like perfectly acceptable explanations for how I felt. I suppose it doesn't matter much now which it was, as I feel better now, but I worry I won't feel so good as the day goes on.

I kept jerking awake, becoming paranoid and wondering for no reason if I was dying, heart racing, imagining my blanket had fingers and a corpse was floating in my room, then later woke up in a sweat. I have no other symptoms, so I feel like a fever is unlikely, but. Damn. That was weird. I thought maybe I overdosed on caffeine earlier, but it had been at least five hours since I had any, and I showed no symptoms prior to about 2:00am. I was, in fact, dead tired even after the caffeine.

So I don't know. I suspect a panic attack. Fear I won't get my work done, even though I wasn't thinking about school at all. I don't think.

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2014-11-30 @ 7:57 a.m.