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I guess I was worried over nothing, because I got a B+ in my American West class. Today is my first Shakespeare class, and I'm reasonably excited for it.

I was up so early this morning, I had time to play Skyrim downstairs. My class isn't until 1pm, and I'm a little bored already waiting. But I'm still sleepy, so I might end up napping soon.

My Native American history class starts today as well, but that one is online. I'm not quite as excited about that one, because I took the lower division version of the class a few years ago for my AA, and got my first C. I partially just didn't like how the teacher taught the course (also online) and her exams didn't make a lot of sense. The questions didn't seem to come from the textbook, unless they were wild assumptions that I simply didn't glean from the book.

Oh well. I get a second chance. But I think this version of the course will be a tad obnoxious, based on how much reading there is.

In a few minutes I have to call the clinic and ask for an appointment today. I need to change my Paxil dosage, or at least open up a dialogue about my worries. I don't want to end up with migraines that can be avoided if I were to just lower my dose. But the internet has scared me -- people are saying there are withdrawal symptoms even if you only drop down 1mg per month. If I knew that, I don't know if I would have even started this crap.

But it's helped immensely in what it needed to. I'm not depressed anymore, and I feel wonderful emotionally. But man. The side effects. I don't think it's worth it.

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2014-07-14 @ 7:38 a.m.