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No more.

My reasoning:
- He makes me upset, somehow, whenever we talk.
- I am in a new relationship, and don't need him fucking it up with his comments.
- He obviously doesn't respect me if he makes such comments, whether he's aware of it or not.
- He has a new girlfriend, does not need to "test where he's at with her" when he visits, and she's the one who now has the pleasure of putting up with his bullshit. GOOD LUCK.
- I AM BETTER THAN THIS, and he impacts my life/thinking on far too deep a level for me to allow it any longer. I care too much what he thinks, and it kills me every time I am made aware of this because he does not matter anymore. Cutting him off is the only way to remedy the issue.
- Everyone else seems to think that cutting him off is a good idea, and none of them really know him. They're just constantly made aware of what he has done and is doing to me.

I haven't decided if I should see him this summer when he visits town. He wants to have dinner, but I dislike his reasoning and reject the notion of being one of "his girls". I imagine blocking him on AIM, ignoring his texts and calls, and letting July slip by without seeing him, but I don't know if I'm rude/smart/strong enough to do that.

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2009-06-10 @ 11:54 a.m.